McDonnell's Traditional Irish Music Slow Session

Sheet Music

Most of the tunes we play are found in the late Kathleen Harte’s two compilations of Irish music entitled: 1) Passing on the Tradition and 2) Let’s Have a Session: Continuing the Tradition. Each book contains over 200 Irish tunes.

At the moment there are very few printed copies available. If you are interested in obtaining copies of the two books please contact Lisa McDonnell [lisab.mcdonnell(at)]. Replace the (at) with an @ sign. This is done to prevent spambots from stealing her address. Note there will be an additional charge for shipping if she sends them to you. Book 1 is $25 and Book 2 is $35.


We also play tunes from our own Slow Session Tune Booklet which was put together to include tunes that are not commonly found in other tune books. To download a pdf copy of the Booklet just click on the title above.

Some of the tunes we play can also be found in Begged, Borrowed and Stolen which was complied by Chris O’Connor and Suzette Watkins. It also comes with a set of 3 CD’s. It was published by Sidetrack Publishing and can be purchased from Celtic Southern Cross. This is one of the few Irish music compilations that have the cords written out.

You can find many of the tunes we play in the Foinn Seisiun Books 1 and 2 which also include double CDs. These were created by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann in Ireland.  Foinn Seisiun Book 1  is available on Amazon.  Boot 2  is also available on Amazon.

Using Sheet Music

There is no problem bringing along your music books and stands to our Melbourne slow session. Because most traditional Irish music sessions around the world do not use written music, it is to your benefit to learn to play some of our session tunes without the sheet music. It is not as hard as some of you may think and we will always play the tunes slowly and numerous times so that you can learn to play them without reading the notes.